Friday, November 8, 2013

Can You Be Too Excited?

One of my favorite things to teach is the Book.  I get really excited and I really get into the stories.  I become a one (wo)man show. My students love it.  Then comes my favorite part...they ask questions...and sometimes we get really far off topic.  A few days ago we talking about how much the Son loves little kids.  We went off on a rabbit trail and ended up talking about heaven for about 20 minutes. 
Now, I don't know about you, but I'm extremely excited to go to heaven someday.  I think it is going to be unimaginably amazing.  Absolutely inconceivably wonderful!  I tried to share that excitement with my students.  As time went on, they got animated and their questions got harder to answer.  We were all sad when it was time for lunch.
Well, my co-teacher, Karen, came to me this morning.  "So, {insert student's name} mother came to talk to me.  Apparently he has decided he wants to go to heaven today.  She's a little worried and hopes we can tell him that living life is good too."  I laughed out loud, my heart jumped for joy, and my head sang praises.  See this little boy didn't know much about Him at the beginning of the year.  In broken English he has been asking question after question and challenging me since school started.  And slowly, but surely, I've had the privilege of watching his interest grow.  The excitement has been growing in his eyes.  He is feeling the call of His love. 
So, my question...Is it possible to be too excited about heaven?  I guess it might be if we forget to love and live the blessing of this life.  But honestly, I love watching this little boy and the others in this class fall more and more in love every day.  I hope they all chose to follow the one who brings life.