Monday, March 26, 2012

My Wonderful Community

I am so blessed.  I live in the most amazing community in the world! (Ok, I might be a little biased, but they are still awesome!)  I have never lived in such a close community and I don't think I'll ever find another like it when I chose to leave China (which thankfully is nowhere on the horizon that I can see).  Since I know most of you don't live in this amazing community, I would love to tell you about it. :)
  • Imagine a community where you have the opportunity to be friends with everyone...even your superiors.  I am good friends with my elementary principal and head principal.  Not many places you can do that.
  • Imagine a community where you are completely taken care of.  I sprained my ankle a week ago and people have not stopped helping me and loving on my since then.
  • Imagine a community where you are constantly supported and encouraged.
  • Imagine a community where there is always the potential to be friends with those around you and where you are greeted with open arms when you move here.
  • Imagine a community that mourns together.  1 year ago we lost Tim Herzog.  I was completely amazed when our community pulled together and got closer through it.  I've heard that grief often tears people apart.  Our grief pulled us together.
  • Imagine a community where you hang out with multiple nationalities.  It's so much fun to talk to friends and hear about what life is like in their country.
  • Imagine a community where you can laugh over making fools of yourselves while trying to speak another language.
  • Imagine a community where you live next door to a bunch of your friends.
  • Imagine a community where you are cared for...
There are so many other wonderful things I could tell you about my community.  I love them and I can't imagine living without them.  Thank you friends for the daily support and encouragement that you offer me.  

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Have you ever noticed that God's lessons aren't easy?  They say that the best things in life are never easy.  I completely agree with that statement and yet at the same time I really wish it just wasn't true. 
God's lessons for me right now...
"Beloved, you can't always have things planned and under control.  And you usually won't have all the answers.  Oh, and Beloved, it's ok to cry.  It's ok to hurt.  I've got my arms wrapped around you and I promise I know what's going on.  No need to worry.  It will all work out for my glory even if it makes absolutely no sense to you.  And last thing, Beloved One, I love you.  Don't ever forget that."
Thank you God for the reminder.  I will rest in your arms, cry out my worries and my sorrows to you, and trust in you. 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Adventures in Shopping

I have friends in the states ask me often what life is like in China.  I'm never quite sure what to say.  There's too much to tell you concisely and I've finally gotten to the point where it isn't quite so shocking any more.  However, occasionally something will happen and I will think "this would never happen in America."  Today was one of those days.

After school today I headed to our corner store to get some stuff for dinner.  As background, the corner store is run by two sets of people.  One set runs the store (owner) and the other set sells fruits and veggies (fruit/veggie guy).  So, below is the amazing conversation that I had at the store...somewhat condensed. Because the conversation was actually mostly in Chinese, I've put any words that were actually said in English in bold.  The rest is translated from Chinese. :)

Me: Do you have chicken today?
Owner: Yes we do.  It's over there.

(I grabbed the chicken and headed to pay for it before getting veggies.)

Owner: You look very pretty today.  Did you get your hair cut.  
Me: Yes I did.  Thanks.
Fruit/Veggie Guy: You always buy chicken.  What are you going to make?

(At this point I stared blankly at him.  I had no idea how to say what I was making in Chinese.)

Owner: She doesn't understand you.
Me: No, I understand.  I just don't know how to say it in Chinese.  In English it is Italian Chicken.

(Now the fruit/veggie guy gave me a blank stare.)

Owner: Haha!  Now he doesn't understand!  Are you a teacher?
Me: Yes, I'm a teacher.
Fruit/Veggie Guy: Oh! Teacher!  This is potato! (Points at potatoes.) And this is tomato. (Points at tomatoes.)
Me: Yes, very good.
Fruit/Veggie Guy: Teacher! What is this?

At this point he started pointing to various fruits and veggies and asking me how to say each one in English while his wife looked on laughing.  When he realized it wasn't easy to say these names, he asked me to write them down.  It was fun to hear him practice.  Words like ginger came out "gin ja" and mushroom was "moo soom."  My favorite was when he pointed to the jalapeno.

Fruit/Veggie Guy: Teacher!  What is this?
Me: Oh that's not easy.  It's jalapeno.  

I could see his mouth and brain trying to work together to get that one out.  He couldn't do it and eventually shook his head and pointed to the next thing.  I love living in China. :)