Saturday, June 25, 2011

Home Sweet Home

Today I returned to China after 2.5 weeks in America.  I loved being America.  I got to spend time with my mom, my brother, and my sister (all of whom I adore), spend lazy days doing almost nothing, I went shopping (too many times for me to be willing to admit), and just generally enjoyed summer.  I am almost tempted to say that I returned to China feeling refreshed, but I am currently struggling to stay awake until at least 7pm (yes, it isn't even 5pm yet) and I don't feel very refreshed right now...well, maybe my spirit is refreshed...yeah...that's it.
So, in order to celebrate my happy return home, I'd like to share some of the things I did today that remind me just how much I love China.
1. I got off the plane in Beijing (BJ) and noticed two things.  First of all there was humidity again and BJ smelled like China.  I know both of these are weird things to be happy about, but most of the time I love the humidity and China has a very distinct smell.  Do you know how you walk into your home after a long time away and you smell your home and it's like being wrapped in a warm fuzzy blanket in front of a fire on a cold day?  That's how I feel when I get off the plane in BJ.  China smells. :P I know most of you are thinking "yuck, that's pollution you are smelling," but I didn't say China smelled just smells like home. :)
2. I am a TCA (Third Culture Adult).  Yep, it's true.  I was watching foreigners on the plane and in the airport and I was struck by how different I am from most of them.  Most of them are tourists and they notice everything about China (things I no longer pay attention to).  For example, this morning the BJ airport was blazing hot (it was at least 75F if not hotter at 6am), but I didn't notice until someone said something because I have gotten used to the fact that Chinese people don't use AC's most of the time because they think they are bad for your health.  Also, tourists always follow the rules of THEIR culture.  Let me explain, in America, when you are in a plane, you told that you need to wait until the seat belt sign has been turned off to stand up and you know you had better do it.  Stewardesses are very admit about that and will get very upset with you if you don't follow that rule.  However, in China, you are told not to stand up till the sign turns off, but no one listens.  When it is time to get off the plane, it's an unofficial race to get off first and usually everyone stands up the moment the plane stops moving (even if we aren't to the gate yet).  I forgot that foreigners don't do this and I almost knocked over a guy my age racing to get out of my seat.  Oops...
3. Chinese people are extremely friendly...for the most part.  Most of them love to ask you where you are from, why you are in China, how long you have been here, and anything else they can think of and you can understand.  My taxi driver today had fun telling me how America is so much more beautiful than China.  He wouldn't agree with me that China was also beautiful...And a girl at Starbucks told me she had been to NY.  She was so proud of her adventures and told me all about them.
4. Canvas has the best burger ever!  I missed you, Caliente Mexican Burger!
5. Chinese Starbucks make way better coffee than American Starbucks.  American Starbucks make the coffee way too bitter and it's not nearly as fun to drink when the coffee is so strong.
6. It's so humid here that my hair is in ringlets and about 1/2 inch shorter than in America.  I love my curls!
7. I was congratulated on how good my Chinese was again today.  The person that said it quickly discovered that my Chinese isn't nearly as good as he thought. :)
8. I love the way my home smells!  Why does home always smell so good when you come back to it after a long time?
9. I have a working VPN so I can talk to all my friends on FB and Blogger.  I even got it working on my iTouch too!  Thanks WiTopia!
10. I'm moving on Monday and I'm moving into a beautiful apartment near many good friends.  I can't wait!
I am so glad to be home.  I'm sure it's going to be an amazing year...starting with Chinese study and prep for the next school year on Monday.  Woo Hoo!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear that you had a wonderful time with your family and that you made it home safe and sound. We miss you! Oh, and YAY for a working VPN!
