Monday, March 26, 2012

My Wonderful Community

I am so blessed.  I live in the most amazing community in the world! (Ok, I might be a little biased, but they are still awesome!)  I have never lived in such a close community and I don't think I'll ever find another like it when I chose to leave China (which thankfully is nowhere on the horizon that I can see).  Since I know most of you don't live in this amazing community, I would love to tell you about it. :)
  • Imagine a community where you have the opportunity to be friends with everyone...even your superiors.  I am good friends with my elementary principal and head principal.  Not many places you can do that.
  • Imagine a community where you are completely taken care of.  I sprained my ankle a week ago and people have not stopped helping me and loving on my since then.
  • Imagine a community where you are constantly supported and encouraged.
  • Imagine a community where there is always the potential to be friends with those around you and where you are greeted with open arms when you move here.
  • Imagine a community that mourns together.  1 year ago we lost Tim Herzog.  I was completely amazed when our community pulled together and got closer through it.  I've heard that grief often tears people apart.  Our grief pulled us together.
  • Imagine a community where you hang out with multiple nationalities.  It's so much fun to talk to friends and hear about what life is like in their country.
  • Imagine a community where you can laugh over making fools of yourselves while trying to speak another language.
  • Imagine a community where you live next door to a bunch of your friends.
  • Imagine a community where you are cared for...
There are so many other wonderful things I could tell you about my community.  I love them and I can't imagine living without them.  Thank you friends for the daily support and encouragement that you offer me.  

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