Thursday, June 7, 2012

On Saying Goodbye

As I have written blogs this year, I have said more than once that one of the things I love about working here is that I have been adopted into a fantastic family.  I have never felt so loved in my life as I do here in this place with these people.  But, the bad thing about my fantastic family is that it is always in flux.  The last few weeks I have been grieving.  I have been grieving because I am losing some very close "family members".  I am losing wonderful friends.  I am losing great students.
Saying goodbye in the international community isn't like saying goodbye in America.  In America there is the knowledge that you can probably visit your friend fairly easily.  In the international community, goodbye often means forever.  Every year I cry for the students that have touched my life and made it better.  Every year I cry for the friends returning to their home countries or on to another city or country.  Chances are I will never see most of these people again on this earth.  That knowledge hurts more than I can tell you.  It breaks my heart every year and for a split second I want to leave, to escape the pain....but then I think about the pain that would be involved in leaving.  That pain would be a hundred fold.  I have no idea how I will ever be able to say goodbye to this place, these people, and this job.  I love it so much and it will honestly take an act from the Father to get me out of here. 
So, thank you my friends for giving me a place where I feel like a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a friend, and more.  Thank you for giving me a place and people I can't stand the thought of leaving.  Thank you for being there to support me through all things.  Thank you for all you do.  I would not be who I am without your love. 
And to my dear friends who are leaving, you have changed my life for the better.  I will never be the same because of you.  I will miss you so much and I look forward to seeing you again...even if it isn't until Heaven.  I love you!

1 comment:

  1. Ah, this is so hard! I kinda got a glimpse with coming and going through student teaching. It makes you realize even more how important it is to rely on Christ, the constant one in our lives. Pr*yin' for you!
