Sunday, July 24, 2011

His Power is Made Perfect in Our Weakness

Today was an interesting day at church.  I showed up about an hour early because my wonderful friend, Karen asked me to share a taxi with her and I thought "Why not?  I'll just go over to Starbucks for a drink.  What a wonderful way to start the day!"  So, I sat in the oh, so quiet auditorium listening to Michael prepare for worship...but let me back up for just a moment.

Each week we rotate worship leaders and speakers.  It's just part of living in an international community.  Well, yesterday we discovered that this week's worship leader was in America.  We needed someone to fill in fast.  Michael, oh so graciously, agreed to lead.  Just him and a guitar.  I love simplicity and it was great to listen to him warm up.

Well, about 5 minutes before service was supposed to start, we were starting to get worried about the fact that our speaker hadn't showed up.  I watched as Karen started asking, "Have you seen Jim?" over and over.  Finally someone knew where he was..."Well, Jim is in the states."  The scrambling began.  What do you do without a speaker?  The elders held a quick meeting and decided that instead of someone trying to think of something to say on the spot, we were going to have a prayer and worship service.  Great idea! 

I will admit I was a little worried when service started, but my worries quickly dissipated.  2nd Corinthians 12:9 says, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."  This morning, the Father swept in and stole the show.  The simpleness of the worship captured my heart and He spoke to my heart over and over as we spent our time praying.  And now that I have (again) seen Him move in such a strong way through our weakness, I find myself asking (again) that I be caught weak far more often.  There is nothing more amazing then watching our Father amaze us with all that He is.


  1. I like it.

    Who was the worship leader in America? Oh I just looked. It was Chuck. He's in Canada with the fam.

    Sounds like a great service regardless.

  2. Sounds amazing. I know that I can do for some weakness in my life as well.
