Thursday, July 28, 2011

New Shelves, Broken Vases, Chasing Cats, and Unopenable Doors

So, it all started yesterday afternoon.  Mr. Zhang, who works on our school maintenance team, came and hung some floating shelves for me.  I was so excited!  They're beautiful!
Later that night a friend dropped off a cat named Sesame for me to watch for the next week.  She wasn't sure what to make of me and hid most of the night until I wanted to sleep.  Then she wanted to cuddle and be pet. 
I finally fell asleep around midnight and not long after that I heard a loud crash that woke me out of a dead sleep.  I went to the living room to investigate and discovered that my new shelves weren't supported well enough and one of them had sagged enough that my lovely vase of bamboo had come crashing to the floor. 
An hour later the mess, water and glass included, was finally cleaned up, but now I was wide awake.  At 2AM I finally fell asleep.  Four hours of sleep is definitely not enough to make a happy person so I kind of made it through today zombie style.  I was so happy when it was time for dinner and a movie at a friend's house and then back home to bed.
Now, here is where the day gets truly interesting.  On the way inside my house, I saw the cat, Sesame sitting by my gate door...outside.  I tried to approach her, but she ran away.  Slightly panicking, I ran upstairs to make sure Sesame was actually in my house.  I searched every nook and cranny, but Sesame was nowhere to be found.  I officially started panicking and went outside to try to coax her back in.  After a few unsuccessful minutes, I called my cat loving friend, Lily, over to help.  She came, even though she was jet lagging and helped me try to catch the cat.  We worked for about 20-30 minutes to catch this cat to no luck.  I called my new friend, Warren, for back-up.  Over at least a full hour we chased the cat, called the cat, tried to give the cat food, tried to trap the cat in a box (anyone else thinking of Godzilla and Taco Bell dog right now?), and tried to simply back off.  Nothing worked.  At one point Lily was able to grab the cat, but it freaked out and tore up her arm.
Finally we gave up.  I was trying to figure out how to tell my friends I had lost their cat and trying to figure out who to yell at for letting the cat out of my house.  We went back to my house, got Lily cleaned up and walked together over to her house to try to get her door open (yes, to make the day more fun, Lily's key wasn't working and she was locked out of her house).  After another 15 minutes trying to tackle that problem, we decided that Lily was going to stay the night at my house.
We got back and both collapsed on my dining room floor exhausted and sweaty with me bemoaning the loss of the cat when Lily perked up and told me to look behind me.  I turned around and there was the stupid cat!  She had never left.  Despite walking in and out of my apartment a dozen times and searching everywhere for her, she was in the house the whole time!  I was so relieved and mad at the same time. 
So dear friends, I learned my lesson.  No more cat sitting and I'm cured of my desire for a least for now.  It was a far too adventurous/disastrous day for my taste....and I owe Lily and Warren big time.

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