Friday, July 29, 2011

Lessons from Him

So one of my best friends asked me recently what God had been teaching me.  As I sat and contemplated her answer for just a moment, she quickly hurried to add "or is now a dry spell time?"  I gave her an answer about what he has been teaching me recently, but I continued to contemplate her answer for days.  This morning I realized that He had been teaching me a lesson that I hadn't even caught onto yet.  That happens to me often.  He'll be trying to teach me something for months and then suddenly, it will get through my thick head. 
Last night's adventures (if you don't know what they are, read the previous blog entry) taught me two important lessons that He has been working on for about a month now...hindsight really is definitely 20-20.  The two lessons were it's ok to look like an idiot sometimes and sometimes you have to ask for help. 
I hate looking like an idiot.  I often try to explain my mistakes away or run away in embarrassment when I feel like an idiot. Finding the cat in my house last night left me with a desire to run away and die of embarrassment. 
I also really struggle asking for help.  I often think that anything that can't be done alone doesn't need to be done at all (NOT TRUE!).  I hate letting others see my weakness.  God has been giving me so many tasks lately that I cannot handle on my own.  I'm constantly having to ask for help.  I'm finally starting to get that lesson into my head and asking for help is getting somewhat easier.
I also started thinking about dry spells this morning.  I tried to remember the last time I've had one.  Honestly, since I became serious about following God 6 years ago, there hasn't been a moment in my life when He hasn't been teaching me something.  Usually the lesson is "I love you.  You can trust me.  Nothing you do can make me leave."  It's a lesson I'm having so much trouble grasping.  However, I have to say that no matter how hard the lessons are, I am going to ask that He not stop giving them.  I love constantly learning from Him even when the lessons hurt.

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