Monday, July 11, 2011


I never thought I would admit this, but I miss the desert sometimes.  Ok, before the people who know how much I hate NM freak out, please let me explain.
I live in one of the most beautiful cities in China…in fact, QD is currently in a competition to be named the most beautiful city in China and there is definitely a good chance they could get it.  QD is on the Yellow Sea which means the ocean is practically in my front yard…well it’s one road down, but still super close.  The city is full of gorgeous trees many of which bloom in the spring and turn the city into a red, pink, and white flower extravaganza.  QD screams “BEAUTY” to anyone who will listen and look.  There is just one thing I don’t like about QD.  The crazy summer weather. 
Spring and fall are absolutely beautiful seasons, but both spring and fall are over in about 1 month.  It’s too fast.  Winter is cold, windy, and dry as bone.  There is very little snow to bring cheer and the wind makes the cold seem much more bitter.  However, I still kind of like winter.  I would rather be cold than hot any day.
Summer is the complete and total opposite of winter.  It is hot (around 30-36C…for your Americans, that is 85-97F), humid (usually 90-100%), and moderately breezy.  Some people tell me that 100% humidity and 35C (95F) is not hot and that the equator is worse.  Well, I am a humidity wimp.  I grew up with summer temps of 35-40C (95-104F) all summer long and a week of temperatures that would span 40C to almost 50C (100-120F), but the humidity rarely went above 25%.  I thought those days were hot, but they feel nothing to me when compared to a 100% humidity 35C day. 
In the last three years I have gotten more used to the summers here, but I still groan every time I walk out of my door and am instantaneously covered in sweat (I didn’t even know that could happen until I moved here). 
So, to keep myself in high spirits during the heat, I look forward to three things.  1) High humidity means it rains…all the time.  I love rain.  2) Air conditioners….nothing makes me happier than a good air conditioner.  3) It will end…even if after three months it feels like it never will, it will end…and then beautiful brief fall will come.

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